Sport, Trick and Freestyle Kite Flying Forum

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Joined: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:36 pm
Location: Inveraray

Flying around Inveraray?

Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:09 pm


Do any of the members of the forum fly their kites around Inveraray, Argyll?

I would like to watch (and talk to) someone who knows what they are doing, maybe learn a few skills etc.


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Joined: Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:51 am
Location: Isle of Lewis, Scotland

Sat Sep 08, 2007 5:41 pm

Hi Richard,

There have been at least 2!!!! :shock: posts about flying in Scotland before:
It's a lonely old world flying stick kites up here! I'm going to stick my neck out and declare that I am your nearest forum member, at a shade under 100 miles by road (according to MultiMap). I hope I'm wrong -- any advance on 98.90 miles?

Added to which, I don't really know what I'm doing, so why I'm even posting I'm not sure 8-[ However, if I'm ever over that way I'll give you a shout, and vice versa if you find yourself in the Kingdom of Fife (St Andrews is a great place to fly -- often lots of power kiters), or Edinburgh (only 30 mins from me by train). Is there anybody in Edinburgh btw? Think I might have asked this before.

All the best
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Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:36 pm
Location: Inveraray

Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:51 am

Thanks Toby

I don't get over your way much either. I have family in Comrie (Crieff area) which is not a million miles away. I have never really spent anytime on the East coast. However I will post a message if I decide to take a trip over.

I work in the Argyll Hotel in Inveraray so if you are ever passing that would be a good starting point.

I must say I rarely see kites being flown around here.

I originally posted on the site looking for info about power kites but having studied this forum I realised my only problem was me.

I wasn't even scratching the surface of the potential of my existing kite...I've watched a few videos on youtube etc. hence my desire to team up with someone even just for a few hours.

Anyway I'll keep reading and thanks once again for the reply.

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Location: Aberdeen

Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:06 am

Hi Toby/Richard,
I'm up in Aberdeen but again just starting to learn tricks so I'm clueless too :D


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Location: Renfrewshire

Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:05 pm

Hi to you all,

I stay in Renfrewshire and mainly fly locally, on hill tops or during the week at Ardeer Beach Park near my work. Most of what I've learnt has been through trial and error mixed with various discussions with flyers in the Kite Shops and off DVDs such as "Trick or Treat" and "Freestyle Pilot". Also numerous links from this site. There are some very good flyers based around Edinburgh but nothing as organised as in England when you can almost be sure to meet up with other flyers at most of the better sites.

To learn tricks I found that I needed smooth wind and this can be difficult to find inland or in the Mountains. Best to find a beach/park (possibly Lochgilphead). Other option is fields at the mouth of the Glens. I've not tried (it was raining) but Glen Fyne or possibly Glen Shira should be an option for you.

Best advice I was given was to move body as well as hands to control speed and slack in the lines. Try taking the kite to the edge of the wind to reach a natural stall position with the nose pointing up. Move forward or backward so that the Kite is just starting to fall down before giving a short pull (and release) on one line to initiate an Axel (Slack on the other once you've done the pull). Experiment by walking forward or giving more or less slack once the axel is initiated. Then start working the stall then axel move closer to the centre of the window making your initial stall moves quicker and moving or stepping forward to maintain. I found that once I'd realised how much effort goes into maintaining the controlled stall before or during tricks I was able to start to learn more tricks. I suspect, had I been able to fly with others, that they would have pointed out this need for movement.

Other critical advice was on lines (use good quality spectra or equivalent). It also helps to have a kite that will help your to learn. I found it very difficult at first and after many months of trying could not get near to performing an axel on my Erazor. I subsequently learnt at the edge of the wind on an Outerspace then went on to fly a Stranger and Gemini both of which want to trick.

Hope this helps.



Mainly flying:
UL Outerspace
T2 Vented

Also flying:
Rev 1.5SLE